Treating Your Anxiety With Acupuncture
More than 30% of people in the United States develop an anxiety disorder at some point during their lives. Medications are one of the primary treatments for anxiety, but not everyone tolerates antianxiety drugs, and some people prefer an alternative approach.
At Legacy Pain and Regenerative Medicine in Plano and Addison, Texas, our skilled chiropractor and family nurse practitioner, Dr. Trace Alexander, is certified in acupuncture, providing treatment to reduce pain, boost mood, and ease anxiety.
In this month’s blog post, we want to talk about treating your anxiety with acupuncture.
Acupuncture basics
Acupuncture is an ancient healing practice where threadlike needles are placed into specific areas of the body to relieve symptoms and restore health. In traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture unblocks or rebalances the flow of qi, your body’s life force.
Scientific studies show that the needles activate the nervous and immune system, triggering the release of neurotransmitters and other chemicals that promote a general sense of well-being and help you feel more relaxed. Medications that treat anxiety work in a similar manner.
Treating anxiety with acupuncture
Research shows that acupuncture is effective for relieving symptoms in people with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), an anxiety disorder that causes ongoing feelings of fear and worry about daily life that make it hard to function.
As noted above, the ancient therapy may help anxiety by triggering the release of your feel-good chemicals so you feel more relaxed and at ease.
It’s not clear how well acupuncture works for other types of anxiety disorders, such as phobias or panic disorder, since research is limited.
What to expect
Before starting any treatment, Dr. Alexander talks with you and completes a thorough examination. This helps him fully understand your health concerns and goals and create an effective plan, which may include acupuncture.
The thought of acupuncture may give you anxiety if you have a fear of needles. But the needles used for acupuncture are as thin as a strand of hair.
Dr. Alexander is a skilled and experienced practitioner, and to reduce your fears, he explains in detail what you can expect during acupuncture.
While you relax in a calm atmosphere, Dr. Alexander gently taps the needles into specific points on the body. You may feel a pinching sensation during insertion, followed by a dull achy pain. Or you may not feel anything at all. Everyone’s experience is different, but acupuncture is well-tolerated by most.
If you feel uncomfortable at any time, let Dr. Alexander know so he can make adjustments to your treatment.
The needles stay in place for a set period of time and then Dr. Alexander removes them. You may feel calm and relaxed immediately following your treatment. But acupuncture isn’t a one-and-done therapy. To gain the most benefits, you may need a series of treatments.
Acupuncture is a whole-body therapy, and your treatment plan may include an exercise and nutrition plan, along with talk therapy with a licensed therapist.
Is your anxiety taking over your life? Are you looking for a safe alternative treatment for your overwhelming feeling of worry? We can help you get control over your anxiety with acupuncture. Call us today at 972-899-9797 to make an appointment.