Versatile Veneers Provide the Perfect Coverup

Keeping your smile under wraps because you’re embarrassed about the color, shape, or condition of your teeth is a miserable way to live. 

Fortunately, dental veneers can cover up a wide range of problems and make your mouth look brand new. That’s why it’s one of the leading cosmetic dental procedures in the United States.

Dr. Thomas Ludlow and our team of expert dentists here at Expressions in Dentistry help patients throughout Folsom, California, and the neighboring communities achieve the smile of their dreams with tried-and-true veneers. 

If you avoid social situations and find yourself stifling a laugh or smile because you’re self-conscious about your teeth, veneers might be the perfect solution. Here’s what you need to know.

What are dental veneers?

Think of a dental veneer as a shell or jacket that covers your tooth. It’s typically made out of porcelain or a resin composite to match your natural teeth. 

Veneers cover only the visible portion of your tooth and can be used to correct a single tooth or several teeth.

What problems do veneers cover?

Veneers are designed to mask problems on the visible parts of your teeth, so they only cover the front portion. The most common places for veneers are the front eight teeth on the top row. 

Most people get veneers to cover:

Although considered permanent, veneers typically last 10 years or more.

How are veneers applied?

During your veneers consultation, we first take a mold of your tooth or teeth and send it to a lab with instructions about sizing and color. When it’s ready in about a week or two, you come back to have the veneer applied.

We numb the area so you stay completely comfortable. If you’re anxious about having dental work done, talk to us about sedation dentistry, which keeps you calm and relaxed during your entire visit. 

Then we gently shave off a thin layer of your natural enamel to make room for the veneer. We apply a strong dental adhesive and cure it with an ultraviolet light that quickly bonds the veneer to your tooth. 

Are veneers only for cosmetic issues?

Veneers are primarily considered cosmetic solutions for the sake of aesthetics, but they can also serve valid medical purposes.

When your teeth are damaged by a crack or chip, they’re highly susceptible to bacterial invasion and subsequent infection, gum disease, and tooth decay. These are serious medical conditions. 

In some cases, your insurance may cover part of the procedure if the veneer is used to treat or prevent health problems.

How to care for your new veneers

Your veneers need no special treatment and thrive on a good oral hygiene routine just like your other teeth. We do recommend taking a few precautions, however, just to ensure you keep them in good condition and that they last for years to come. 

Precautions include:

We recommend these precautions even for those who don’t have veneers, so they aren’t really restrictions but more like common-sense dental care. 

If you have a problem tooth or two ruining your smile and your confidence, veneers are the perfect way to get both back. To learn more, call us or book an appointment online today, and you could have a new smile in a couple of weeks. 

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