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Do you see braces in your kids’ future — or yours? Many people are put off by both the cost and the time it takes to get their teeth straightened, yet they yearn for a straight, beautiful smile. In the old days, having a “metal mouth” was the only option...
Does your family take the requisite holiday photo, complete with matching sweaters, or do you find yourself with a full calendar full of festivities during the holiday season? In both of these instances, you want to look your best — but it’s especially important to feel fabulous about your smile....
In the past, there were a grand total of two choices for dental fillings: gold and amalgam fillings, which are a mixture of silver, mercury, and other metals. When you had a filling, everyone knew it when you flashed your smile as the metals contrasted so much with your pearly...
Have you ever thought about how wisdom teeth got that moniker? Unlike your baby teeth, which came in before you were 3, and your adult teeth, which started erupting at age 6 or 7, your wisdom teeth don’t erupt until you’re between 17 and 25 — when it’s assumed that...
You know the drill (pun intended). The most important thing you can do for your oral health — other than faithfully brushing and flossing daily — is to visit your dentist regularly, twice a year, for a checkup and thorough cleaning. What do you do, though, if the very thought...
It may surprise you to learn that your teeth are actually an important part of your digestive system — they allow you to chew and break down your food in the first part of its journey to provide your body with needed fuel. They also help you speak. Aside from...
More than 30% of people in the United States develop an anxiety disorder at some point during their lives. Medications are one of the primary treatments for anxiety, but not everyone tolerates antianxiety drugs, and some people prefer an alternative approach. At Legacy Pain and Regenerative Medicine in Plano and...
There’s snoring — and then there’s SNORING! If your partner has mentioned that your snore is deafening at night, or they hear you gasping for air, it’s obviously going to concern them. And if you sleep alone, you might wake yourself up at night, struggling to breathe. One thing is...
Gone are the days when your only orthodontic treatment option was a mouth full of metal! Traditional braces can cause pain, require frequent office visits for adjusting and repair, and broadcast to the world “I’m getting orthodontic treatment!” Enter clear aligners — transparent plastic trays that surround your upper and...
Even though modern dentistry is associated with a much higher level of comfort than years ago, thanks to advanced methods and pain relief, many patients — children and adults alike — still feel great anxiety at the thought of visiting the dentist. Children have a harder time because whether they’re...
To perform our best at work, school, home, or on the playing field, you must have energy. When you feel exhausted during the day, are prone to headaches, are unable to focus, and feel irritable, you may also be puzzled, especially if you practice good sleep hygiene habits. These include...
This statistic may shock you: Even though an adult has 28 teeth (excluding the four wisdom teeth if they’re removed), Americans ages 20-64 have an average of only 25.5 teeth, and in that age group, 2.2% have lost all their teeth. Should you really be concerned if you’re just missing...
Have you noticed a gradual dulling of your smile as the years have gone by, but you remember clearly when it used to be bright and white? Don’t worry — even though it isn’t fun to see yellowing and other types of discoloration on your teeth, it’s normal as people...
Does the mere thought of visiting the dentist’s office make your hands sweaty, your heart beat faster, and generally put you in a tailspin? And if that’s what happens when the thought merely enters your mind, what’s it like when you actually get there, surrounded by bright lights, dental tools,...
Your tooth starts hurting, and you wonder if you can power through or if it’s something to be concerned about. Could it even be considered a dental emergency? We wish we had a simple answer to this question, but since toothaches can develop for many reasons, in this case, a...
It’s lucky that wisdom teeth don’t actually make us wiser, since their removal is a rite of passage for so many teens and young adults. But should everyone just assume they’ll need their wisdom teeth extracted? Not necessarily. The talented and caring dental team at Expressions in Dentistry has extensive...
For a long time, traditional metal braces were the only choice that patients needing orthodontic treatment could access. Though they did the job, patients were left with prices to pay, including limitations on what they ate, frequent office visits for tightening and unexpected repairs, and having a “metal mouth” for...
We’ve all gotten laughs from watching cartoons and movies that feature humorous characters snoring at a deafening decibel level. When it comes to sleeping next to someone who’s snoring up a storm, however — or if your own thunderous snoring actually awakens you (yep, it’s a thing) — it isn’t...
Our teeth take a beating, from chips and cracks to discoloration and more. Sometimes flaws like these are enough to make you feel pretty down about your smile and make you hesitant to show it, which is a shame. The caring and competent dental pro team at Expressions in Dentistry...
Have you ever worried when you’re conversing with someone who suddenly moves further back or recommends their favorite mouthwash out of the blue? This might make you concerned about whether you have bad breath, and that feels awful. Halitosis is another name for bad breath, but whatever you call it,...
There are a host of reasons you might need to get a tooth extracted, including severe decay, tooth trauma, or the removal of wisdom teeth, which many young adults must experience. The healing of your mouth after an extraction, however, can be encouraged and hastened by taking certain steps, and a...
It isn’t an exaggeration that maintaining an excellent, consistent oral hygiene practice is one of the most important things you can do to not only ensure your oral health, but your overall health. We now know that oral health impacts overall well-being significantly, which makes daily brushing and flossing even more pivotal....
There are many adult “firsts” that happen in our late teens and early 20s. Think first apartment, first job, and first car. Those can be exciting, but another common development during this time is the appearance of the third molars — which are actually the final four teeth that erupt...
When someone from the under-10 set loses a tooth, it’s cause for great excitement, and a visit from the Tooth Fairy. When it comes to adult tooth loss, however, the situation isn’t nearly as lighthearted. It might surprise you to learn that over half of Americans who are 20-64 years...
The days are long gone when traditional metal braces were the only smile-straightening choice for your teen. Now there are a plethora of options, and that makes it great for young patients, allowing their treatment to be even more highly customized. The Expressions in Dentistry team is dedicated to helping you find the...
As you usher in 2023, you might have dreams of transforming your smile from ho-hum to dazzling this year. It is possible, thanks to exciting treatments that correct diverse problems and hide all kinds of flaws. Dentistry is no longer only about routine checkups and emergency procedures. Cosmetic dentistry has progressed by...
The problems that a missing tooth or teeth can cause are significant, and they don’t just have to do with how your smile looks. Still, 120 million Americans are missing at least one tooth, according to the American College of Prosthodontists. Before the advent of dental implants, a patient’s choices...
Many people have memories of pain and discomfort during recovery after getting their wisdom teeth removed, and those memories probably also include drinking many smoothies while they waited for their mouths to heal. Wisdom teeth removal seems like a rite of passage, but is it always needed? We’ll explore more...
Do you dread the thought of going to the dentist? If so, you’re far from alone! Research has found that between 50-80% of Americans experience mild-to-intense dental anxiety. The worrisome thing about dental anxiety is that if it’s severe enough, it causes people to delay getting dental check-ups and care, and some...
Is your snoring so loud that your partner regularly relocates to the couch to get some shuteye? Or perhaps you wake up in the middle of the night feeling like you can’t get enough air or find yourself exhausted during the day. All these are signs of sleep apnea, a...
In our world of face-to-face interactions, both in-person and digital, your smile comes first. If your teeth are dull and dingy, you’ll notice, and so will the people around you. Though a perfect smile doesn’t have to look the same on every person, a healthy smile is what’s most important,...
You know the routine - brush, floss, and drink water. Sometimes, for reasons beyond your control, you skip a step. And sometimes, the daily life that you live for years catches up with you, and you experience symptoms as a result. The experienced professionals at Expressions In Dentistry have helped people dealing with halitosis,...
If you need evidence of overall health in the US, look no further than the number of people living with sleep apnea, which is a common sleep disorder that causes pauses in breathing while a person is asleep. Though it primarily affects older adults, no one is completely immune. The compassionate dental...
It’s understandable that many people are apprehensive about going to the dentist. The tools with names you don’t know, the inability to see anything, or the unfortunate ability to hear or feel everything can leave anyone feeling out of sorts. There is nothing quite like fearing a place that’s quintessential...
Straight, shiny clean teeth that meet for a perfect smile is a standard and a goal for many people. Though crooked teeth certainly give a face character and distinction, so, too, does a smile that looks like it’s been touched by love. If you’re in the market for straighter teeth,...
Around 22% of adults in the US have had a toothache in the last six months, with many of these toothaches leading to an emergency dental appointment. Toothaches can be mild, in and out within a couple of hours, or a couple of days. But if the pain is severe,...
Taking care of teeth goes a long way, and it’s important to get your child to the dentist as their teeth come in. Caring for your child’s oral health will help them care for their own oral health, and healthy habits can never be established too early in a child’s...
A huge smile with bright, white teeth is one of the first things we consider when we think of happiness and beauty. White teeth aren’t just clean teeth; they’re healthy, strong, and ready for the challenges that face you for the day — from lunch to after-work happy hours. At...
There are around 30 million people living with sleep apnea in the US. Sleep apnea can be a symptom of other chronic conditions and makes your sleep uncomfortable and unproductive. Sleep apnea can affect more than just your sleep and is one of the principal causes of chronic snoring. Our...
We call the last molars to erupt from the gums ‘wisdom teeth’ because of the fact that they tend to emerge when we’re in our late teens and early 20s. They come when we’re older and wiser - at least, compared to childhood. Wisdom teeth are fairly typical teeth, in...
The fear of going to the dentist isn’t new or unique. It’s understandable why someone would be wary of lying down and allowing someone else to work on their mouths. In fact, roughly 30% of people live with fear of going to the dentist, also known as “dental phobia.” As...
The CDC estimates that around 25% of people are living with oral hygiene issues. Most of these issues are preventable with proper and regular oral health care. Even with a worldwide pandemic, dentists were still seeing patients, and using the best personal protection equipment, or PPE, to take care of...
Your teeth are hard enough to chew through food, but vulnerable to chips and cracks. These can be painful, embarrassing, and cause problems for you later. A cracked tooth is one that should be handled with care and with urgency. Cracked teeth are so common, 80% of dental patients over...
Even before the days of social media and posting selfie after selfie, we’ve always loved and wanted a dazzling smile. Having a gorgeous white smile isn’t just about beauty; it’s about your overall health, too. Part of a healthy smile is protecting your teeth from things that can stain and...
Without at least six hours of deep, quality sleep, most of us feel tired, irritable, and unable to focus. Though the majority of adults in the United States aren’t getting the sleep that they need, there is a variety of reasons for this. One reason you might not be getting...
Do you know the difference between analgesia and anesthesia? A cap from a crown? A clasp from an abutment? Since oral and general health and wellness are interlinked, understanding common dental terminology and the dental procedures available to you will help to keep your teeth and gums looking and feeling...
Wisdom teeth are the last set of molars to come in, and they can grow at any time between 16 to 25-years-old. Due to their position, wisdom teeth often don’t have enough room to grow, which can cause problems. As general dentistry experts, Expressions In Dentistry understands your family’s schedule...
Back in the day, a person with crooked or crowded teeth would have to wear metal braces to have straight teeth. No more. Fastbraces® are changing the orthodontic world, straightening teeth in months, not years. You can have a gorgeous smile in a fraction of the time that traditional metal...
Do you experience anxiety when it’s time for your dental checkups? If so, you’re not alone. One study found that more than 35% of the population experiences dental anxiety or fear, and that more than 10% have extreme dental fear, rising to the level of phobia. You want your child...
Keeping your smile under wraps because you’re embarrassed about the color, shape, or condition of your teeth is a miserable way to live. Fortunately, dental veneers can cover up a wide range of problems and make your mouth look brand new. That’s why it’s one of the leading cosmetic dental...
A smile is contagious. There’s nothing more attractive than a bright, pearly white smile — a sign of youth and beauty. Are your teeth yellow and dingy from years of wear-and-tear? Not only can this cause your self-esteem to plummet, but it can also impact how others view you. A...
According to the National Sleep Foundation, more than 18 million American adults live with sleep apnea, which is a disorder that causes you to stop breathing for about 10 seconds at a time. Some people have sleep apnea because their brains don’t control breathing well during sleep. Others have the...
At the very back of your mouth, in the four corners (both sides, top, and bottom), are your "third molars," also known as your wisdom teeth — that is, if you have any at all. Up to 37% of people are missing one or more wisdom teeth. But just because...
According to Invisalign®, more than eight million people have used their clear alignment system to correct their smiles. If you have a malocclusion (i.e., abnormal bite), crooked teeth, gapped teeth, or other dental imperfections, Invisalign could be an excellent option for you. At Expressions In Dentistry in Folsom, California, our...
Replacing missing teeth is essential for your oral health, as well as appearance. Not doing so can cause your remaining teeth to shift, change your bite, and lead to bone loss in your jaw. Missing teeth also leave your remaining teeth more vulnerable to bacteria, which can cause plaque buildup...